品牌 | 尝别颈肠补/徕卡 | 产地类别 | 国产 |
应用领域 | 环保,化工,能源 |
During Cryo preparation, tools such as forceps and sample holders often ice over and cannot be immediately used for the next sample run. De-icing and drying of the tools at room temperature is time consuming and can cause damage to sensitive components and may prevent their operation.
The special combination of heated air flow and heating plate completely dries tools, even on their difficult to access inner surfaces. The maximum temperature of + 50°C ensures that the cryo tools dry without heat damage and protect the user from the risk of burns.
Maximum temperature of +50°C protects user from the risk of burns
De-icing and drying of tools in shortest time and fast turnaround time.
徕卡显微系统(Leica Microsystems)是德国著名的光学制造公司。具有160年显微镜制造历史,现主要生产显微镜, 用户遍布世界各地。早期的“Leitz"显微镜和照相机深受用户爱戴, 到1990年徕卡全部产物统一改为“Leica"商标。徕卡公司是目前同业中*的集显微镜、图像采集产物、图像分析软件三位一体的显微镜生产公司。
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